Corporate Man is called in to investigate reports of vile, unethical business practices at Great American Business Company. What he finds there just might destroy him (except we all know the ending to The Tragic Death of Corporate Man so it should be fairly obvious that it can't really destroy him, though it can come close).

Enslaved by the Bonus Whores is an all new Corporate Man Adventure Serial. Chapters will post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

After nearly a decade of imprisonment, Corporate Man returns to find the economy in ruins and his deadliest enemies in control of all but a fraction of society's wealth. He embarks upon a quest to set right the wrongs of the business world; a task that will ultimately destroy him.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


There’s a new look sweeping the fashion world these days.  It’s called Corporate Ease.  Where the roots of heroin chic could be traced back to dead rock stars and junkie anorexics, Corporate Ease is a logical extension of catalogue and game show modeling or the deluge of product placement in movies and television.  No portfolio is complete these days without an image featuring something underground.  Something hip.  Cult movies, indie music, or terribly well written books.  At the forefront of this movement is one book in particular.  The Tragic Death of Corporate Man. 

Striking pure gold this month the scrappy little blog-released novel has landed on the cover of everyone’s favorite British magazine, Modern Tweed.

The editor of Modern Tweed had this to say of the product placement coup: “Jolly bollocks!  Bloody!  Tweed!  Wot! Quite right.  Quite right.”

The article goes on to predict that a wave of cover images for Corporate Man will follow the Modern Tweed’s pioneering effort.  Expect to see the book positioned on all manner of  periodicals.  One month it’ll be curled up with a bikini clad beauty, her coconut oiled body pressed against its tender pages, and the next an HGH fueled, six-pack-abs jock will be dripping brow sweat across the prose as he labors to read the sentences.  Dog magazines, body paint obscurities, knitting, outdoors, hiking.  You name it, Corporate Man will grace its cover.