Corporate Man is called in to investigate reports of vile, unethical business practices at Great American Business Company. What he finds there just might destroy him (except we all know the ending to The Tragic Death of Corporate Man so it should be fairly obvious that it can't really destroy him, though it can come close).

Enslaved by the Bonus Whores is an all new Corporate Man Adventure Serial. Chapters will post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

After nearly a decade of imprisonment, Corporate Man returns to find the economy in ruins and his deadliest enemies in control of all but a fraction of society's wealth. He embarks upon a quest to set right the wrongs of the business world; a task that will ultimately destroy him.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Twittery Book Giveaway!

All those who re-tweet the following twitter post

will be entered into a drawing to win a copy of the fantastic book The Tragic Death of Corporate Man: a hero for capitalism; champion of the working class (book 1). Due to an error at the printer, we find ourselves in possession of several miss-cut editions of the Corporate Man book.
(See how close-cropped the top is on this one)

Not willing to charge for an inferior version of this precious text, we are giving them away.  For Free!  Five copies of the book are up for grabs in this Twitter giveaway and we will mail them, at no expense to the winners, anywhere within the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii.  If you promise to really love the book, or just show how much you loved winning the book (via pics, vids, blogs, etc.) I will probably ship it overseas or across borders should one or more of the winners hail from Other-Than-USA.  Customs and costs being the key hindrance in that situation.

The drawing will be held on April 15th 2013 to celebrate taxes.  Those of you who do not win, or simply wish to further support independent writers in their endeavors to earn a little cash off their craft, may buy as many copies of this book, or the concluding volume, at the following locations in the format of your choice.

Print: Book One  -  Book Two
Kindle: Book One  -  Book Two
Nook:  Book One  -  Book Two 

Thank you for your participation in this giveaway.  And for those of you who do not tweet, but for some odd reason find yourself unable/unwilling to open a twitter account or buy a copy of the book or wait and read it for free on the blogsite or simply wish to feel the pseudo gambling rush a book giveaway brings, watch this site for future giveaway offers which may or may not include facebook or goodreads or coupon mailers.

The above photograph was expertly arranged, shot, and modeled by Christopher Blackburn photographic genius.  Please pay homage to his skills or flatter him in the name of Corporate Man at:

Many thanks to Ken for "hosting" this tweet-fest by tweeting the first tweet (it felt immodest for me to do it). Check out his blog at